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Badass Women At Any Age


What does it mean to be a badass?

I love Katie Couric’s definition of a badass woman as someone who “stands up for herself, is confident, and is not afraid to challenge the hierarchy, the patriarchy, or conventional thinking”.

To me, being labeled a badass is a great compliment for any woman. She has courage, has overcome obstacles, and now stands strong in her power and commitment to make a difference in the world.

If you’re one such woman with an inspiring story to tell about your personal and professional journey, I’d love to have you on the podcast. Share your story so others will be motivated to step into their full potential.

Please fill out the guest application form and we’ll be in touch shortly to schedule your interview.

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Episode #201


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As a clinical psychologist, Dr. Joshua Klapow recognized a pattern of professional women attempting to navigate a workplace culture that was never set up for them to succeed. Inspired to affect change, Dr. Klapow re-focused his career and is making an impact in that culture through performance coaching. Dr. Klapow now helps women in leadership positions leverage their unique style and build influence to successfully navigate the male dominated culture in which they work.

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