One thing that keeps women up at night: the lack of paid family leave
No one ever said it’s easy to be a working woman, especially once the decision is made to have children. A very special moment in a woman’s life can be clouded over by the fear of losing her job and/or career. Motherhood penalizes working mothers by potentially losing...
A wake up call for women
Our history Beginning in the mid-19th century, several generations of woman suffrage supporters lectured, wrote, marched, lobbied, and practiced civil disobedience to achieve what many Americans considered a radical change in the Constitution – guaranteeing women the...
Women need a wife not a husband
It may be hard to fathom, but a few decades ago it was common for a women’s college education to be referred to as an MRS degree. Sure, the goal was to further education, but meeting the ‘right’ guy and getting married was also a goal. Marriage was a priority for...
When is enough enough?
There’s no doubt that women still have many obstacles to their advancement in the workplace. Let’s face it. We haven’t seen significant progress, and the recent elimination of DEI programs in many companies has halted that progress even further The biggest challenges...
Asking “How am I doing?” is a useless question.
“How do you think I’m doing?” you ask your manager. They reply, “I think you’re doing ok.” Now, I ask you. How is that feedback helpful? How many times do you miss opportunities to improve your performance, help position yourself as a leader, and demonstrate your...
They call you a b*t*ch behind your back.
When Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State, her popularity was at an all time high of 65%. The American public approved of her accomplishments and respected her work ethic. That popularity took a nose dive to 44 percent, however, when she decided to run for...
I know you hate office politics, but avoiding it could cost you your career.
It’s a familiar scenario. I get a phone call from a woman seeking advice because she’s tired of being overlooked and passed over for promotions. She feels stuck and powerless. Since I started my coaching practice in 2007, I’ve heard countless stories of frustration...
Want to get ahead at work? Find a male ally!
Women in the workplace continue to fight the systemic bias that supports an unlevel playing field. Women, especially those in male dominated work environments, struggle for equal representation in leadership, promotions, sponsorship, as well as access to the power...
Are you stuck in a cage of your own making?
My grandson Jakey calls for his mama early in the morning to take him to the potty. Three years old, he recently graduated from his crib to a ‘big boy’ bed. As a baby, the sides of the crib kept him safely in place with his wobby and small assortment of favored...