This Company Founder Wants You Home For Dinner
Venus Aerospace has a vision. They want to fly you across the globe and back before dinner. Venus’s next-generation rocket engine will make hypersonic global transport possible. The vision of being home for dinner is also, most importantly, the core of the company...
Rejecting Society’s Definition of Success is the First Step to Finding a Fulfilling and Meaningful Life
The Britannica Dictionary defines success as “the fact of getting or achieving wealth, respect, or fame”. This definition aligns with what society teaches us about success. In fact, if you do a search of the most successful women, you will be directed to Forbes lists...
How To Break Free From Your Negative Beliefs And Find Your Power and Potential
You want a promotion but a voice in your head keeps telling you that you’re not good enough despite all your qualifications for the position. You convince yourself that you’ll never get it, and unconsciously, your negative thoughts influence your behavior, your body...
As Burnout Increases, What Can Women Do To Manage Stress, Stay Healthy, And Get The Care They Need?
Burn out is real and getting worse especially for women. Harvard Business Review cites gender inequities, that include being “less likely to be promoted than men yet more likely to head single-parent families and take on unpaid labor,” for the reasons women experience...
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