Christine Duvivier, Executive and Leadership Coach

Christine is CEO of Positive Leaders, LLC. Her organizations' work which helps to unleash the full potential of future leaders by focusing on their strengths. Her other business is Impact Partners. Impact Partners works with mid-sized and large companies to affect...

Is it Time to Write Your Book?

This is a guest post by Lisa Tener, author and book coach. Have you noticed how many people are writing books lately? Maybe some colleagues and competitors in your field have recently become published authors. Do you wonder if becoming a published author is for you? A...

Calling All Heroines

This is a guest post by Susanna Liller, The Heroine's Coach. A heroine is a woman who is willing to stretch herself, who comes out of her “comfort zone” on a regular basis to try new things, risk, challenge herself, do what she has to do even if it scares her – even...