The Britannica Dictionary defines success as “the fact of getting or achieving wealth, respect, or fame”. This definition aligns with what society teaches us about success. In fact, if you do a search of the most successful women, you will be directed to Forbes lists the world’s most powerful women. These women are leaders who have achieved prominence based on business success, wealth, talent, celebrity status.

Success, however, isn’t always measured in terms of finances, titles, and fame. Research helps us understand that success doesn’t lead to happiness. We must align our definition with our values, goals, and genuine passions. Success is more meaningful and fulfilling when your actions and goals represent your values and beliefs.

Pam Christian, founder and CEO of The Pam Christian Group, is an award-winning real estate agent and consistently recognized as one of New Jersey’s top-selling agents. As a savvy businesswoman, she established her multi-million dollar business through her strategic unparrelled marketing, relationship building, and negotiation skills. Yet, her true path to success, began when she questioned her life choices and her decision to redefine her own path to fulfillment. Her introspective journey, documented in her inspiring book, I Hope You’re Having a Great Day! I know I Am! provides a how to guide to living a deeply fulfilling, purposeful and peaceful life. Now a mindset coach, Christian helps support and guide people to get to a better place in their lives.

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