What Would Your Career Be Like If You Weren’t Afraid?
There is a purpose for our fear. Fear pumps out the adrenaline that helps us to escape perilous situations. Fear protects us by signaling us to fight or run away to save ourselves from harm. Of course, today we rarely find the need to run from a lion. But fear...
Is No Really No Or Is It An Opportunity?
This post is from the archives. Women are much more likely than men to take a “no” as a personal rejection and final answer. In fact, the fear of rejection will often keep us from asking for things we rightly deserve. Let’s look at the situation of a...
Are You Opting Out of Your Success?
We each have our own personal relationship to success. We have unique ideas about what success looks like and about our ability to be successful. What I’ve learned from coaching professional women for almost a decade is that there are many reasons why women avoid...
The Power Pose Versus The Imposter Syndrome: Which One Impacts Your Self Confidence?
Let the battle begin. The fight is between your internal dialogue of failure and your power pose. You assume the position; feet apart, arms stretched above you in a victory pose. Your body language shows everyone that you are confident and powerful. Your inner...
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