Here is a great opportunity for women business owners to get expert advice. This announcement was posted today on Women on Business.

I’m very happy to announce the new Women On Business Roundtable, which will provide a great opportunity for business women to increase their online profiles, access expert advice and guidance, and encourage business growth.

The team of Women On Business authors (including myself), who are all experts in various fields such as marketing, coaching, finance, management, and technology, are launching a “roundtable” discussion to focus on our readers.

Here is how it works:

1.  Women On Business readers are asked to submit a profile of their companies and list any specific issues they might be having with their business (submission instructions are included at the end of this post).  Are you wondering how to market your business on the social web, having trouble with an employee, struggling during the economic downturn?  Submit your profile and issues in order to be considered as the subject for the Women On Business Roundtable discussion.

2.  Each month, one profile will be chosen to be featured on Women On Business as the subject of the Women On Business Roundtable discussion.

3.  The Women On Business writing team, using our collective brainpower and experience — a combined 150+ years worth! — will provide targeted analysis, valuable advice, and next steps to grow the business and meet the challenges it faces.

4.  Women On Business readers are also encouraged to join the conversation and offer their own experiences and expertise.  We look forward to tapping into the advice of our team of experts and into the minds and hearts of our readers to help our participants.

5. Throughout the month, the goal is for the conversation to continue and grow, and for the profiled business woman to ask additional questions, clarify suggestions and end up with actionable, useful advice and guidance, which should benefit many other readers as well.

Please join us! It’s a great way to gain some hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of consulting from a group with deep knowledge in their respective fields — for free!

Submit a one-page description of your business, and three issues you’d like the team to address here, and we’ll choose each month from the available submissions.  You can send an email directly to susan[AT] (replacing the [AT] with @) or use the contact form.  Note that anonymous submissions will be accepted but identifiable business submissions will be given highest priority.

Please spread the word – email, Digg, Stumble, Tweet and so on!  Let’s get the conversation going and start helping each other!