Things have certainly changed since the days of the television series Father Knows Best. The title of this show alone would not be politically correct in U.S. society today. I can hear the fallout now. What do you mean the father knows best? What about the mother?

But in the 1950’s, the father was often the sole bread-winner and maybe he didn’t always know best, but he was respected for being head of household and providing for his family.

It’s amazing to me how much has changed in this relatively short period of time. The Father Knows Best family has quickly faded into a memory in most households in America. (For instance, since 2005 the majority of U.S. households have not been headed by married couples.)

As women move into the workforce in greater numbers, the family dynamics change. We now see families where both husband and wife are breadwinners and each have responsibilities to share at work and at home.

According to authors Sharon Meers and Joanna Strober in their book, Getting to 50/50:

Both Mom and Dad are on the hook for the cost of raising kids, from groceries to braces, from housing to soccer cleats. The payoff? We enjoy rewarding careers and see that our families thrive – not despite our work but because of it.

This requires a new type of Dad; one who not only works, but one who changes the diapers and participates equally in family responsibilities.

I want to take this responsibility on Father’s Day to salute all the young dads who are adapting to the changing the family dynamics. These “new” dads are taking on more responsibility in the household chores and parenting and thus, they are supporting their spouses with their careers.

Kudos to dads! They are stepping up to the plate and helping women take their rightful place at the table in business.


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