Is it more important to be well liked or to be considered competent? According to new research, if you want to be influential and successful as a leader you need to be both likeable and competent. However, likeability is much more important initially. By...
Are you “leaning in” or hanging on? That’s the question addressed in this recent New York Times Article. According to the article, many women (and men) with children under 18 would much rather have flex time and/or work less hours than have the corner office and more...
This past week I led a discussion for senior women at an 85 Broads event in Boston about politics in the workplace. As we exchanged ideas about the best way to build relationships and alliances with men in the workplace, the subject of golf came up. Many of the...
Every organization has its own unique culture. This culture is usually created and maintained by those in power and those who seek to advance their careers need to understand its subtleties. Understanding how people are rewarded and recognized will give you a...
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