Your focus is making everyone around you happy. This includes spouses/partners, children, family, colleagues, friends, and bosses. You want everyone to not only be happy, but to be pleased with you. You like doing things for others. You are most content when...
Women excel academically. We are currently earning almost 60% of college degrees, about 50% of doctorates, and roughly 45% of MBA’s. We are more prepared than ever to assume leadership roles in business. Yet just 4.2 percent of Fortune 500 CEOs are women. So...
I facilitated a workshop this past week for women executives from ADP at The Athena Center for Leadership Studies at Barnard College. Before the workshop, a survey was sent out by The Athena Center in order to determine some of their barriers to advancement....
This past week I moved from Martha’s Vineyard to Connecticut; lots of packing and unpacking; organizing and discarding. Now that I am fairly (?) settled in my new place, I realize how challenging change can be, even when we plan for it. Our daily routines are...
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