Women of all ages face many challenges in the workplace; equal pay, sexism, lack of flexibility and sponsorship and opportunity for advancement. Recent graduates beginning their careers, work hard to gain credibility and visibility in a competitive environment. Working mothers struggle to keep their careers on track and maintain their ambition with the demands of raising a family. And women of the baby boomer generation who started working in the 1970’s; the trailblazers who succeeded in male-dominated companies, also face new challenges.  They are now asking themselves what does retirement look like? How can I continue to contribute to society?

These women aren’t about to disappear into the shadows of irrelevance. They made their mark and succeeded despite the obstacles. They laid the groundwork for changes in the workplace for future generations regarding gender bias and stereotypes and fought hard to make it to the top.

The big question for these women is: What now?

Read the full article on Forbes.com.