The success of United States female athletes in the Paris 2024 Olympics was remarkable, winning 67 of the 126 total medals (with one still in question) and 26 of the 40 total gold medals. Their achievements were the highlight of the first gender equal Olympics.

Their talent, life-long dedication and sacrifice are inspirational. Yet, it’s important to recognize that it takes both physical and psychological strength to be a champion. The psychological makeup of an athlete, male or female, is most likely as important in determining that individual’s ability to persevere and perform than physical traits.

Female athletes face unique challenges based on their gender. Much like high potential female executives, they encounter a ‘double double’ standard; a mixed message of the expectation of being intense, aggressive, dedicated, single-minded, and at the same time, warm and welcoming, which adds to their stress and anxiety.

My recent conversation with clinical psychologist Dr. Joshua Klapow, focused on the challenges many female athletes face both physically and psychologically. Klapow’s training as a clinical psychologist is critical to helping female athletes reach peak performance and thrive in a highly competitive environment.

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