Your hesitancy to embrace AI my cost you your job.

True confession: I’ve been resistant to figure out the whole AI thing. Like many of my female colleagues, my belief in the importance of critical thinking has contributed to a reluctance to jump on the AI bandwagon. Turns out I’m not alone. According to a recent study by Devry University, only 68 percent of women say they fully understand what AI means and the value of AI skills. You could say I’m in good company, but the point is that as a professional woman, if you hesitate to embrace AI, you are setting yourself up to be blindsided. It could cost you your career.

Why? Because nearly 80 percent of today’s female workers are in jobs exposed to automation via generative AI. A report by Goldman Sachs sends us a warning. “These jobs held by women that involve automation will not be replaced by artificial intelligence per se, but by people who have mastered AI. And at the moment, that means MEN!” as men are more likely to understand AI and recognize the potential of AI in helping them advance.

Oxford Economics along with Cognizant sends us another wake up call. Ninety percent of jobs will be affected by generative AI by 2032, and “between 2023 and 2032, the percent of jobs with high exposure points to AI could increase sixfold, from eight percent to 52 percent.”

Read the full article on Substack.