There’s no doubt that women still have many obstacles to their advancement in the workplace. Let’s face it. We haven’t seen significant progress, and the recent elimination of DEI programs in many companies has halted that progress even further

The biggest challenges for women are gender bias and stereotypes, unequal pay, work-life balance pressures, lack of mentorship and sponsorship, and fewer leadership opportunities. We often feel like we’re hitting our head against the wall, or should I say we’re continually bumping into the glass ceiling.

It’s easy to look at this list of obstacles, get overwhelmed, and give up. After all, you’re doing your best every day and getting nowhere fast. It’s frustrating. It’s exhausting.

You may believe the cards are stacked against you so why keep trying?

But falling into that victim mentality is dangerous. It paralyzes you from taking any positive action on your behalf.

Instead of focusing on everything that holds you back, why not focus on what you can control?

Let me tell you, my climb to the C suite was not without challenges. I was passed over, missed out on a promotion I deserved to a less qualified man.

But then a light bulb went off. I said “enough!” and I refused to be a victim and I took back control of my career. I refused to be taken advantage of when I knew I had value. And that’s when my career trajectory changed. I broke through the glass ceiling and forged my own path forward.

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