It may be hard to fathom, but a few decades ago it was common for a women’s college education to be referred to as an MRS degree. Sure, the goal was to further education, but meeting the ‘right’ guy and getting married was also a goal. Marriage was a priority for women. After all, that was what we had been taught from an early age. Find a good husband, settle down, have kids.
Fast forward to the present, and the idea of this type of traditional marriage is under scrutiny. And the question arises, does the conventional structure of marriage work for women, especially career-minded women struggling to achieve the ever-elusive work-life balance? Women, especially high achieving women are prone to burnout from trying to be everything to everybody every day. Because women take on the bulk of domestic responsibility, traditional marriage adds to the stress.
I was divorced at 34 with two children: one six and one eight. I had just started a new job which I desperately needed to pay to pay the bills.
As a single mom, I was managing all the household tasks and 99% of the parenting responsibility. Getting the kids to school and back. Juggling sitters after school and lining up after school activities. Grocery and clothing shopping. Homework duty. Cooking dinner. Making lunches. But I guess it was understood this was my responsibility since I was no longer married.
And then there was my work and career! The pressure to manage 19 doctors and a cardiac rehab practice as a novice to business.
And, OMG, I remember the panic when it was a snow day or one or two of my children is sick? Crisis!
Can you relate?
As I reflect on this now, my anxiety rises again at the memory of my everyday life back then. How the hell did I do it? Of course, I had no choice. I did it and I did the best I could. But what about married women? Do they have a choice?
Personally, I don’t know how many times I wished I had a wife.
Or at least a house husband!!
How many times have you wished that you had a wife?
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