Youve been searching for a job for some time and after a frustrating few months, you finally landed an interview for an interesting job at a great company. Congratulations! But this is only the beginning of a series of interviews as the organization narrows their...
In my blog last week, Get Savvy: 10 Tips to Help You be Successful in Business, I talked about the things that I feel have helped me make my business successful. I asked for feedback and a few people responded that they thought that #3, Investing in Your Business,...
Who ever thought that being nice would work against our career advancement? Its not just being nice that sabotages us in the workplace. Its when you are so nice that everyone else comes first and you have an inordinate need for everyone to like you. It may be our...
Every day every one of us accomplishes many things. Sometimes our accomplishments are dramatic and life-changing. Sometimes they are less significant, but they are accomplishments just the same. What is of interest to me is how difficult it is for us to own our...
Women are great multi-taskers. We pride ourselves in how productive we are and how much we get done in 24 hours. Its amazing, right? But in our quest to complete our to-do list and check off all the tasks that we have on our list, how much time do we take to think...
I have always believed that when you present yourself with confidence in the workplace people perceive you to be competent. Your confidence inspires trust and quite often respect. Of course, you still need to earn the recognition by demonstrating your skills and...
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