How Do You Handle Compliments?

Someone at work approaches you after a meeting and tells you that you did a really great job on a project. What do you say? Are you more likely to say, “Thank you. I worked very hard on that project and I am proud of how it all came together”?  Or do you say, “Oh, it...

Stomping Your Parameter

This is a guest post by Debbie Phillips. Recently I was in New York City to lead a Women on Fire® Tea Party and to meet with reporters, editors and producers. It seemed everywhere I went someone said something to me about “reinventing” themselves.  Or, they commented...

Love Your Colleagues

Women have the reputation of being great nurturers. After all, we have always been primary caregivers for our family and children. It is our history. It’s in our DNA. Here’s my question this week for professional women: Why doesn’t that love and...