With good preparation, job interviews can be a great experience to not only showcase your talent but build new relationships.

Here are some tips to help you prepare for the best possible interview.

  1. Thoroughly research the company and the people who will be interviewing you. During the interview, refer to any pertinent information you learned in order to demonstrate your resourcefulness and interest in the company.
  2. Go back and review your strengths and accomplishments. Focus on why you are the best person for this job.
  3. Write down how your current boss would describe you and incorporate it into your interview.
  4. Emphasize your strengths, but don’t stretch the truth.
  5. Acknowledge your weak points if asked and be prepared to stress the positive side that outweighs any perceived weakness.
  6. Do NOT just recite your resume. Face to face interviews give you so much more opportunity to convey your passion, drive, energy, personality and enthusiasm for the job.
  7. Prepare yourself mentally and emotionally for the interview. Say to yourself, “I am thrilled to be here and I am so excited to tell you about my experiences. You will definitely want to hire me.”
  8. Create memorable messages and stories about yourself to use in the conversation. Is what you’re saying about yourself compelling and interesting? If not, go back and add some passion to your message.
  9. Practice a mock interview with a friend.
  10. Smile!

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