A recent Catalyst study demonstrates that mentoring does not help career advancement to the degree that sponsorship does. Mentoring is defined as career advice and guidance and sponsorship is advocacy. Usually sponsors have more senior positions than mentors, and it is their responsibility to advocate for an individual and pull them up the ranks to a top level position in the company. The study shows that men receive more sponsorship than women and this has a direct relationship to the number of men promoted to top positions. Women receive more mentoring and, in fact, are sometimes “mentored to death” with no upward mobility.

MP900438566The recommendation from Harvard Business Review and Catalyst is for organizations to adopt formal sponsorship programs similar to IBM Europe. Companies now understand the impact of diversifying their talent pool, especially in leadership roles.

However, the companies that have formal sponsorship programs are few and far between.

High performing women need to take control of their own career advancement. They need to advocate for an advocate or sponsor. They need to be their own PR specialist every day.

Here are some suggestions:

  • Be proactive, intentional, and strategic. Communicate your intention to advance your career.
  • Let others know within the organization that you are seeking a sponsor. Your mentor might be able to help identify and facilitate this.
  • Create visibility and credibility for yourself in the organization.

o   Take on high profile projects.

o   Make sure your position has P&L responsibility.

  • Identify your value proposition. What do you bring to the table?
  • Develop your web of influence (key stakeholders, decision makers, influencers, connectors) to assist you in reaching your goal.

o   Build and leverage these relationships.

  • Learn to communicate your value.

o   Talk about what you bring to the table and tie it to business outcomes and results for maximum impact.

  • Broaden your influence outside the company.

o   Develop your subject matter expertise through social media, community organizations and board positions.

Here’s the bottom line: you need to take control of your career. If you have the goal of sitting in the C-Suite, start by communicating this goal to others and find out how you can get a sponsor to take you under his/her wings and move you up the ranks. You need to advocate for an advocate and create the visibility and credibility within the organization to get recognized and rewarded.

Need some help promoting yourself at work? I have 2 new programs designed to help you connect with your value and talent and communicate your unique value proposition to others to move up the corporate ladder.

It takes more than talent and hard work to get ahead, especially in this busy business environment. If you want to get promoted, you need to take control of your own career and learn how to differentiate yourself.

Both the Executive Mentor Program and the Private Coaching Program for Mid Level Managers can help you tackle your inner barriers to success as well as the external cultural barriers of your work environment.

Don’t waste any more time waiting to be recognized when you have the ability to move your own career forward. One-on-one coaching from an executive coach gives you the attention and focus to improve your leadership and management skills as well as your ability to promote your talent.