Women Leaders Are More Compassionate But Does That Also Hold Us Back?
This past week there was an interesting article in The Atlantic that quoted the Dalai Lama as saying that “The world needs leaders with compassion.” And in his mind, that means “the world needs more female leaders.” The article referred to research that has...Women’s Networks: To Promote or Placate Women?
Most corporations now have some type of diversity program that includes women. Often this means establishing a women’s network for the purposes of helping women advance their careers. These groups are often formed with the intention of promoting women, but are...
Using Motivational Language to Create Influence in the Workplace
You want to get your point across in a meeting. Maybe you want to position yourself for a promotion or a raise. Perhaps you need more resources to complete a project. These are all examples of situations where you need to “influence” others in order to achieve...
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