How A NYC Subway Commute Inspired A New Mobile App
One day in the fall of 2016, Amy Giddon was commuting to her consulting client by subway in New York City. It was just after the presidential election when everyone was feeling separate and wary and mystified about all the divisive rhetoric. On the walls of the Union...
How Women Can Navigate A Rapidly Changing Workplace
The last two years have brought about a lot of changes in the workplace, for both men and women. These are challenging times, and now, more than ever, women need to know how to position themselves at work. Listen in as I teach women how to navigate a rapidly changing...
What Does It Mean To Age Boldly?
On July 22, the Mighty Mermaids relay team will swim across the English Channel. This six women team, each over 50, will attempt what only 1,832 other swimmers have done successfully since 1875. Elaine Soloway is a PR consultant, author, writing coach and tech tutor....
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