What Advantage Does Your Personality Give You?
Did you know that your personality gives you a specific advantage? According to Sally Hogshead, author of Fascinate and How the World Sees You, when you communicate with this Advantage, you will be more likely to add distinct value. Sally names seven different ways to...
The Way You Work Isn’t Working For Your Career
A 2013 survey of over 12,000 white collar workers by The Energy Project revealed remarkable yet certainly not surprising results. The increased pressures and expectations of the current workplace contribute to the workforce feeling unfulfilled and dissatisfied with...
Moving From A ‘Doer’ To A Leader
Many of my clients and women I meet at my workshops are stuck in the trap of “doing” and this trap prevents them from advancing their careers. They are literally stuck. Perhaps you too can identify with being caught in the trap of doing your job, doing favors and work...New Study Reveals Senior Executive Women Still Struggle With Self Promotion
Just because you’ve made it to the top doesn’t mean you can rest on your laurels. A new study released last week reveals that senior women executives still struggle with some of the career advancement challenges that women in middle management do. The research...
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