Many women I coach have said to me I can’t self-promote because I’m an introvert. I don’t know how to build relationships within the workplace and therefore it’s challenging for me to get the visibility I need to advance. My radio interview with Jennifer...
Executive presence is important for anyone who is seeking to move to a leadership position. Why? because people need to see you as a potential leader; as someone who has the potential to take on more responsibility and grow professionally. What you may not know...
Dove recently ran an interesting campaign to determine how women see themselves. Their goal was to see if women see themselves less accurately than strangers do. The results were dramatic and the campaign offers proof in the form of forensic sketches. They invited...
I’m sure most of us are unaware of how often we make assumptions. We make assumptions every day about how other people think and feel, and these assumptions then lead us to behave in ways that sabotage our relationships, our careers, and erode our self-confidence. We...
Last Friday at the Bay Path Women’s Conference, I listened intently to Queen Latifah talk about her career and her bold move at 17 as a hip hop star to call herself “Queen Latifah”. She said Latifah was always her nickname, but putting “Queen” in front of it was...
I was dumbfounded and perhaps a little embarrassed when in an interview last week with Sharon Sayler, body language and communications expert, she said that to look more intelligent we should breathe through our noses. Who knew I was coming across as stupid when my...
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