Every day every one of us accomplishes many things. Sometimes our accomplishments are dramatic and life-changing. Sometimes they are less significant, but they are accomplishments just the same. What is of interest to me is how difficult it is for us to own our...
Women are great multi-taskers. We pride ourselves in how productive we are and how much we get done in 24 hours. Its amazing, right? But in our quest to complete our to-do list and check off all the tasks that we have on our list, how much time do we take to think...
I have always believed that when you present yourself with confidence in the workplace people perceive you to be competent. Your confidence inspires trust and quite often respect. Of course, you still need to earn the recognition by demonstrating your skills and...
We all make mistakes. Sometimes our mistakes can have dramatic consequences. In my case, I can see very clearly (hindsight is 20/20 after all) at least one major mistake that had a negative impact on my career. I was an AVP with a track record of great...
I am a high achiever and one who has always had very high expectations for myself, personally and professionally. I can tell you honestly that this has worked both for me and against me at times. Sometimes I fall victim to self-doubt because my goals are so aggressive...
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