It’s not often that we see strong older women characters in film or TV. In May 2015, when Netflix introduced us to Grace and Frankie, portrayed by Jane Fonda and Lily Tomlin, that changed. Through seven seasons, we laughed and cried with these characters. We...
We’ve all had moments of frustration when we can’t remember someone’s name or where we put the car keys. If this happens to you and you’re 25, you shrug it off as a temporary lapse of memory. If you’re over 50, you likely label it as a ‘senior moment” and start to...
Did you know that a three or four-year-old child is already gender-biased? Several research studies have found that young children “exhibit gender stereotypes, racial prejudice, and preference for their own race”. Danielle Perszyk, a psychologist at Northwestern...
“When you own something that you’ve inherited, and it’s your father’s work, it’s important to get it right.” – Lisa Henson LisaHenson, along with her four siblings, spent much of her childhood, in her father’s workshop and...
I’m sitting in the waiting room at my gynecologist’s office for my annual visit. I was told to arrive 15 minutes before my appointment. I’m always prompt and compliant so I arrived early. I checked in at the front desk and was told the doctor is running 30 minutes...
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