When you work really hard, it’s wonderful to get recognition. Sometimes, that recognition comes in the form of more work and more projects without benefit or financial reward. Have you ever been in the situation where you have volunteered to do something extra, found...
It took my mom about 8 decades to find her voice. She was shy, married young, and always lived in my Dad’s shadow. But when he passed away over twenty years ago, she found her own strength and gradually her own voice. Now in her nineties, I am both pleased and amused...
We would all like to believe that the principles of meritocracy are upheld in our company and that our talent and hard work will get us ahead. After all, when we focused on our work in college and graduate school, we earned good grades and perhaps even honors. But now...
This time of year, most of us have a holiday shopping list so we remember all the gifts we need to purchase for our family and friends. Those of us who are entertaining over the next month will also most likely create a shopping list to gather the traditional and...
A strong network is like money in the bank. Your network can help you build visibility, connect you with influencers, and open up doors for new opportunities. Building and nurturing a network is one of the most powerful things you can do to support your career...
If you are currently dissatisfied with your job and your company, you are more than likely looking for another position with a new organization. Perhaps you are unhappy because you were passed over for a well deserved promotion. Maybe you just don’t see any potential...
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