With the current crisis we are in, there is a strong need to remain relevant and innovative within your career. One of the biggest concerns individuals are facing is a new constant fear surrounding their job security. When so much seems to be out of your control, what...
Despite diversity initiatives and unconscious bias training, gender bias is still a major issue for women seeking leadership positions. We can’t discount the influence this bias has on women’s advancement and the ability for women to maintain their status over time....
For decades, we’ve discussed how women in STEM fields can survive and thrive. A great role model and leader in engineering is Annette Bergeron, who I recently interviewed on my Badass Women of Any Age podcast. Is Annette Bergeron a badass? You bet. She’s the current...
To become more effect leaders, you must develop a strong connection with yourself, and then utilize that knowledge of self to become an authentic leader. Listen in as I guide participants on how best to position themselves as leaders in a crowded field and avoid some...
How many times have you beaten yourself up because you didn’t meet your own expectations? Did you ever consider that maybe, just maybe, your expectations were unrealistic? Did you ever stop to think that these unrealistic expectations trigger you to feel inadequate or...
Building a strong network is one of the most important things you can do to advance your career. What’s surprising is that many people have no idea how to do this effectively. Left with little information on the topic, they often waste a lot of time and energy, and...
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