We know the obstacles for women seeking leadership roles in the workplace. Recent studies reveal that women hold 14.6% of executive level positions at Fortune 500 Companies and this has remained fairly stagnant over the past few years. The lack of women in leadership...
Let the battle begin. The fight is between your internal dialogue of failure and your power pose. You assume the position; feet apart, arms stretched above you in a victory pose. Your body language shows everyone that you are confident and powerful. Your inner...
Head & Shoulders, the shampoo company, recently surveyed 2,000 British women about their confidence level and 48% said they believe that they would have progressed further in their careers if they had more confidence. First of all, it is a little surprising...
Dove recently ran an interesting campaign to determine how women see themselves. Their goal was to see if women see themselves less accurately than strangers do. The results were dramatic and the campaign offers proof in the form of forensic sketches. They invited...
Last week I attended the Pennsylvania Conference for Women and had the pleasure of hearing Arianna Huffington speak. She shared her ideas about what it takes to be successful for a woman in business today. My biggest take-away from her talk was when she spoke about...
In my blog last week, Get Savvy: 10 Tips to Help You be Successful in Business, I talked about the things that I feel have helped me make my business successful. I asked for feedback and a few people responded that they thought that #3, “Investing in Your Business”,...
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