How To Speak Up Effectively When You Find Out You’re Not Being Paid Fairly
Adrienne was shocked when she did a performance review for her male direct report and found out he was making the same salary she was. A veteran of the pharmaceutical industry for over fifteen years, Adrienne was his manager for just six months. This was her first...
Age Discrimination and Women in the Workplace. Here’s How to Avoid Getting Pushed Out
It didn’t matter that she had a track record of excellent performance, received five individual awards and over fifteen team awards. It didn’t matter that her status of Managing Director was earned with hard work and dedication over twenty two years. Meredith was...
Here’s What Women In STEM Need To Do To Get Ahead
Born and raised in India, Rashi Khurana loved physics and mathematics from an early age. Her father encouraged her and enrolled her in a computer programming class. That was a turning point for Rashi. Majoring in information technology and choosing that as her career...
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